After the worship service was over yesterday, our pastor called us into his office and closed the door. We had no idea what to expect. Was this trying to work out some final details before our move? Then he told us...something that left us speechless. Someone in the church found out our situation, recommended a doctor to go to, and gave us the money to pay for the first appointment. They also will be covering our second appointment if we're still in town for that...then we can bring the medical records with us to Florida, where I can then apply for Medicaid. The person or persons asked to remain anonymous, which is frustrating in a happy way because all I want to do is run up to them and hug them.
Every time I sit and wonder how we're going to make it through a particular situation, God always reminds me, "don't worry, I am here." This was such tangible evidence of His love and care for us...and how He NEVER leaves us. He always provides even in the midst of our doubt of that provision. How could I doubt?
All praise be to God for His never ending mercies and blessings!!!
Oh Mary, your unexpected blessing made me gasp and jump with glee at the same time. How much God looks forward to the times when things are truly out of our hands so that He can do what He wants to do. That is a wonderful praise report.
What a vaildation of praise and belief, Mary.
Many many congratulations on your delightful news.
And so wonderful that someone in your church has come forward to help you out with the health insurance.
(All I can say is.... thank goodness I live in Canada!)
just checking out blogs and myspaces - you sound so different on myspace...almost like a different person...
thanks for sharing your great story!
I like to keep the myspace blog & profile in general something fun and lighthearted, so I rarely get "serious" over there. That's kind of why I started this blog, to be able to put more serious and to-the-heart reflections down without it being overwhelmed by a joking nature. I love joking around, but it was important for me not to get the serious side of me overwhelmed by it. Same me (my husband can tell you that), just different approaches to blogging. :) Thanks for stopping by!
Jules, David, & ex-shammickite, thanks so much for the encouragement you all have been to me! It's so exciting to see how God moves!
how have you been? i just ran into your blog. please post more inspirational blogs.
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